Irresistible Invitation by Maxie Dunham - Day 23

Irresistible Invitation:  Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God                   

Day 23:  Claiming the Promise 

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12 

This is one of the most amazing and breathtaking statements in all of the new Testaments according to Dunnam.  Do we believe that what this statement claims is even remotely possible?  We must admit that all of us spend most of our time being satisfied with far less then God indicates is possible.


Consider the source.  The one who came to save the world, the one who brought forgiveness and love, who made the lame walk, proclaims these words and the blind see, the one who now sits at the right hand of God the Father.  Can you believe it, this is the one who says to you and to me that we will do even grater things than these!


Dunnam brings to mind a Peanuts in which Snoopy claims that Woodstock is going to be a great eagle and soar to great heights, unfortunately no sooner does Woodstock take off then he falls in a lump to the ground, as Snoopy comments ‘well maybe he will be one of those eagles who just walks around!”  Amazing, isn’t it how quickly we settle for less than is promised and far less than is possible.


It is important to remember that you are more than you think you are.  This is at least part of the message of this scripture reading.  Dunnam shares the story of an elderly bachelor and an old maid who began dating and after spending some time together the old gentleman decided to pop the question and blurted out “let’s get married” to which the response was a surprised “that’s a wonderful idea –but who would have us?”


It is so easy to slide into thinking so little of ourselves.  But these words of scripture of words like those of the 8th psalm tell us something different.  Listen to what the psalmist writes:


When I consider your heavens,

The work of your fingers,

The moon and the stars,

Which you have set in place,

What is man that you are mindful of him,

The son of man that you care for him,

You made him a little lower that the heavenly beings

And crowned him with glory and honor (Ps. 8:3-5)


We must remember that we are important to God, that we are each unique and unrepeatable miracles of God and that even if we were the only one left on earth God would still send his Son to save us. 


And yet there is still another affirmation that we must consider, according to Dunnam, “there is something that we can be and do, but will never be and do apart from Jesus Christ.  Dunnam shares the story of Abel and Frieda Hendricks, Methodist clergy and educators in South Africa during the apartheid.  Abel fought against the established government and was jailed on several occasions for his opposition.  At one point government officials came to him and offered to buy this poor itinerant preacher a retirement home, something they knew he would never be able to afford.  But Abel refused saying “In my Father’s house there are many mansions, I dare not risk losing my house in heaven for anything you might offer me on earth.”  Abel knew that he w knew that was living in to what God had called him to do and be and he believed what the apostle Paul had written “It is not I who live but Christ who lives in me…I can do all things through his strength.”


Where does that kind of power come from?  Abel had discovered the source and claimed the promise of Jesus, “He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”


The Heart of the Matter


--When you hear that you will do greater things than Jesus, how does that make you feel?  Why do you think that is?  What is your deepest desirer in that area?


--Have you ever gone through the Bible in search of the promises God has made to you?  If not, consider doing so now, and jotting down a few that you find.  You might also consider memorizing these scriptures, so you’ll have them immediately on hand in your times of need.


--Are there any areas where it’s hard for you to completely trust Jesus?  What are they?  Why do you think obstacles are present there?





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