Irresistible Invitation by Maxie Dunham - Day 21
Irresistible Invitation: Responding to the Extravagant Heart of God.
Day 21: Dying and Rising with Christ
“When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” (Col. 3:4)
This week Maxie has been sharing with us what it means to be in and with Christ. “The Christian,” states Dunnam, “ is a new person united with Christ. The two overwhelming events through which Jesus passed into the power of endless life were death and Resurrection. Those who are united to him must produce in their personal spiritual histories these two events.”
Taking up the Cross: How we look at the cross, and Christ on the cross is perhaps the biggest factor in determining how we live. Our Christian faith journey begins with our acceptance of the incredible fact of our unconditional acceptance by God. Nothing we can do will earn God’s love or prove our worth. The value of each and every one of us has already been affirmed once and for all by the gift of Jesus the Son of God.
The Essence of the Gospel: The radiant glory of God shines in the face of Jesus Christ; we experience this in the incredibility of the Incarnation. And, this radiant glory has shined in our hearts as well and it is ours to share with those whom we meet in Christ’s name. This is known as the Christian experience. These three truths, the Incarnation of God, the presence of Christ in our hearts, and the witness of Christ to the world, define the Christian witness; define the essence of the gospel. Have this week’s readings given you a deeper understanding of who Christ is, what he has done and how this glory of God can be ours as well? How have those revelations changed you?
Alive in Christ: We remember that Jesus came for only one purpose, to bring himself to us and to bring God to us. Through Jesus Christ we are given full remission of sin and through the Holy Spirit we are given the abilities to become all that God created us and call s us to be. In this week have you seen a new evidence of Christ being alive in you? In what ways?
Constantly Abiding: We have the opportunity to constantly abide in Christ and the benefits are many. We gain the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through Christ continued presence we are renewed literally recreated, as God would have us be. Can you see evidence in your life of the places in which you have been able to “constantly abide” with Christ?
Humble and Available: The person or people who are alive in Christ – the ones truly walking in meekness rather than pride – is the one who responds, “Here I am. Send me!” whenever the Lord calls. God has great things for us to do as long as we remain willing and humble. What has this week taught you about the level of humility in your own life?
The Shaping Power of the Indwelling Christ: The presence of Christ in our lives is both and affirming and healing presence. Through Christ we are assured that we have been given new life. Remember the story of the healing of the paralytic; how Jesus forgave first and healed second that the two events were inextricably linked. It is the same today. Are there areas in your life where you have experienced healing and forgiveness?
What Christ has been and Done for Us: We must always remember that what Christ has been and done for us we are required to be and do for others. In order to live Christ centered lives we must live compassionately. Direct action is one way of identifying with those who are suffering or are oppressed but another way to “be” with them is through prayer. Are there any areas in which God has pierced your heart, people or events that you feel compelled to pray for?